17 September 2024
Mr. Putin: The West sending troops to Ukraine will lead to nuclear conflict 0

Mr. Putin: The West sending troops to Ukraine will lead to nuclear conflict 0

(Dan Tri) - Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the West could spark a nuclear conflict if they sent troops to Ukraine.

(Dan Tri) – Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the West could spark a nuclear conflict if they sent troops to Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: Sputnik).

Russia has enough weapons to reach Western countries

President Putin warned that the West risks sparking a nuclear war if it sends troops to Ukraine.

`The West must understand that we also have weapons that can strike targets on their territory. However, all this could actually entail a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons

The above warning was issued after French President Emmanuel Macron said that some Western countries do not rule out sending troops to Ukraine in the context that Russia is taking the initiative on the battlefield while Kiev is running out of ammunition.

Mr. Putin said that Russian forces are dominating the battlefield and will continue the special military campaign in Ukraine until all set goals are achieved.

He added that Russia also strengthened its forces along its western border with European Union (EU) countries after Finland and Sweden decided to join NATO.

President Putin ended his State of the Union Address after more than 2 hours.

`The West wants to drag us into an arms race`

President Putin said that dangerous actions and statements in Western foreign policy entail the risk of nuclear conflict and destruction of civilization.

He repeated accusations that the West wants to weaken Russia and said Western leaders do not understand how dangerous their intervention could be in what he sees as Russia’s internal affairs

Russia will achieve all the goals set in Ukraine

Mr. Putin said that Russian forces in Ukraine are steadily advancing and gaining control of many new territories in Ukraine.

Russia will become one of the four largest economies in the world

In his State of the Union Address, Mr. Putin expressed his belief that Russia is on track to become one of the four largest economies in the world in the near future.

`Last year, Russia grew at a higher rate than the global economy. By this measure, we were ahead not only of the leading countries in the European Union but also of all

He said that in the first 9 months of 2023, investment in Russia increased by 26.6%.

Mr. Putin said that Russia will spend at least 700 billion rubles ($7 billion) for the national project on the data economy over the next 6 years.

Mr. Putin: The West sending troops to Ukraine will lead to nuclear conflict

Russian President Putin read his federal message on February 29 (Photo: Sputnik).

Russian nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness

Mr. Putin said that Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are in a state of complete readiness for defense purposes at any time.

`Strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness to ensure their use. Everything we planned in the field of weapons that I talked about in my 2018 speech, has been implemented or

Although Russia affirms that Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are only defensive, deterring threats to national survival, Russia’s `nuclear doctrine` also mentions the reasons

Mr. Putin: The West sending troops to Ukraine will lead to nuclear conflict

Russia’s RS-24 Yars ICBM missile system (Photo: TASS).

Mr. Putin criticized the West

In his speech on February 29, Mr. Putin said that the West’s constant accusations that Moscow will attack Europe is nonsense, even though it is the EU that is targeting Russia.

`The West has underestimated the determination and steadfastness of our multinational people. Russia is increasingly strengthening its sovereignty and democracy in many different aspects, including within the country

In addition, the Russian President emphasized that the solidarity and steadfast spirit of the Russian people is the greatest strength and will give their nation the strength to conquer everything.

Previously, Western media repeatedly reported that Russia was at risk of attacking the alliance’s territory.

On Moscow’s side, many Russian diplomats, including the Kremlin spokesman and the Foreign Ministry spokesman, denied it.

Russia’s goals and plans

The Kremlin said that with this State of the Union Address, Mr. Putin not only spoke as the head of the government but also as a presidential candidate.

This is Mr. Putin’s 19th State of the Union Address and the 29th in Russia’s modern history.

The main participants in the ceremony included members from the Russian parliament, government officials, representatives of religious organizations, diplomats and journalists.

Previously, in his 2023 speech, Mr. Putin announced that Russia would suspend the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).

The Russian leader also directed criticism towards the West for its actions in supporting Kiev in the conflict with Moscow, and emphasized that Russia would increase its defense production promotion.

In addition, he also praised Russian socio-economic policy development experts, especially the health sector, who have successfully developed three effective vaccines to prevent Covid-19.

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