16 September 2024
President Trump delivers the State of the Union Address after a `tumultuous` first year in office. 0

President Trump delivers the State of the Union Address after a `tumultuous` first year in office. 0

(Dan Tri) - US President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union speech since becoming president more than a year ago at the congressional headquarters at 9:10 p.m. on January 30 local time, or 9:10 a.m. this morning.

(Dan Tri) – US President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union speech since becoming president more than a year ago at the congressional headquarters at 9:10 p.m. on January 30 local time, or 9:10 a.m. this morning.

US President Donald Trump (Photo: Reuters)

Reuters reported that President Trump will visit the congressional headquarters on Capitol Hill to deliver the State of the Union address at 9:10 p.m. local time Tuesday.

The speech comes after a year in office for President Trump, in which he faced many turbulences, from the formation of the administration to accusations that his campaign team had ties to Russia, and

This is not Mr. Trump’s first speech in the US Congress, because he spoke before both houses of Congress last February after taking office.

It is estimated that about 40 million Americans will watch the President’s speech, broadcast live on television channels.

President Trump’s guests at the event included first responders, military veterans, a welder from Ohio who benefited from recent tax cuts and parents of children murdered by

MPs are also allowed to bring their own guests to parliament.

Many Democratic lawmakers, including some prominent figures, have announced they will not attend Mr. Trump’s speech to protest his controversial comments about African countries.

“Hot” issues

BBC commented that the speech will be an opportunity for the President to outline the agenda for the next 12 months, shape political policy and highlight achievements over the past year.

“It will be a big, important speech,” Mr. Trump said on January 29.

Analysts say that Mr. Trump is expected to highlight the economic achievements that the United States has achieved since he took office in January 2017, and at the same time call on both the Democratic and Republican parties, who

“The economy will be first and foremost,” a White House spokesman told reporters on Monday.

After a `tumultuous` year at the White House, the US leader will likely start his speech with positive news – his tax reforms passed in the Senate late last year.

Plans to renovate some of America’s aging roads and other infrastructure are also likely to feature in the speech, as will calls for fair trade with China.

The Democrats and Republicans are deeply divided over immigration reform and President Trump is expected to call on the two parties to come to a solution to the issue.

The central subjects of his immigration reform are the group of about 700,000-800,000 people who entered the US illegally as children, known as Dreamers.

Mr. Trump is expected to mention the above issue, because he hopes to come to an agreement with the Democrats to change the above decision, in exchange for millions of dollars to build a border wall with Mexico.

When Mr. Trump speaks in Congress, attention is expected to turn to at least 24 Democratic lawmakers, who have announced they will bring `Dreamers` as their guests to watch the speech.


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