8 September 2024
Trump, Clinton and the future of Vietnam - US relations 0

Trump, Clinton and the future of Vietnam - US relations 0

(Dan Tri) - Bilateral relations between Vietnam and the US have come a long way and achieved many successes, especially after US President Barack Obama's visit to Vietnam in May.

(Dan Tri) – Bilateral relations between Vietnam and the US have come a long way and achieved many successes, especially after US President Barack Obama’s visit to Vietnam in May.

Mr. Donald Trump (left) and Mrs. Hillary Clinton (Photo: Politicususa)

That is the opinion of Roncevert Ganan Almond, former advisor to Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential campaign, currently a member of The Wicks Group specializing in international law research based in Washington D.C (USA).

As of now, billionaire Donald Trump and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will almost certainly become representatives of the Republican and Democratic parties running for president in November this year.

Building a comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the US

Trump, Clinton and the future of Vietnam - US relations

US President Barack Obama and President Tran Dai Quang embarked on a visit to Vietnam in May (Photo: AFP)

Before making predictions about the future relationship between the two countries after President Obama leaves office, author Roncevert Ganan Almond reviews the history of the formation of the Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership in three stages.

In the first phase, Vietnam and the US tried to ease tensions and find ways to build trust.

In the second phase, associated with the term of former President George W. Bush, the two countries began to build a partnership foundation.

The third phase is the period of developing a fuller and deeper partnership under President Barack Obama’s term, especially after President Obama changed his policy direction and pivoted to the Asia-Pacific.

“President Hillary Clinton”: Inheritance and strengthening cooperation

Trump, Clinton and the future of Vietnam - US relations

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (Photo: AP)

If she becomes the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton will likely inherit President Obama’s approach to Vietnam and may even further strengthen the cooperative relationship between Washington and Hanoi.

Regarding the economy, Mrs. Clinton will likely seek to expand US trade agreements in the Asia-Pacific region.

During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was considered a member of the `hawkish` cabinet when she campaigned for the US to intervene militarily in Libya and increase involvement in Syria.

During the presidential campaign, Mrs. Clinton pledged to hold China `responsible` for its aggressive actions in the region, thereby reaffirming America’s position as a great power in the Pacific.

The Democratic presidential candidate is also someone who understands the disputes in the East Sea.

Thus, based on the views during the election campaign and the political experience of the former US Secretary of State, it is likely that a President Hillary Clinton will continue to expand trade relations with Vietnam, promoting negotiations on trade relations with Vietnam.

“President Donald Trump”: Adjustment and instability

Trump, Clinton and the future of Vietnam - US relations

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (Photo: Erik Pendzich)

If Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, many unexpected things may happen.

Regarding foreign policy, billionaire Donald Trump has announced his pursuit of the `American first` policy.

First, on trade, the Republican presidential candidate always opposes free trade agreements.

Second, Mr. Trump criticized the role of the US alliance system around the world, from NATO to the Pacific.

Third, the New York billionaire announced that he will not intervene in conflicts that do not directly threaten US security.

Fourth, Mr. Trump doubts America’s role in ensuring world order and intervenes in global common affairs such as developing international institutions, maintaining freedom of navigation, and promoting international values.

In short, on November 8, America will elect a new president.


According to Dilplomat

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