8 September 2024
President Trump `denounced` Iran at the United Nations 1

President Trump `denounced` Iran at the United Nations 1

(Dan Tri) - President Donald Trump continues to criticize Iran for the recent attack on two Saudi Arabian oil plants.

(Dan Tri) – President Donald Trump continues to criticize Iran for the recent attack on two Saudi Arabian oil plants.

President Trump `denounced` Iran at the United Nations

President Trump spoke at the United Nations headquarters in New York (Photo: Reuters)

“All countries have an obligation to act,” President Trump told world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly session in New York on September 24 when he called on countries to confront the United Nations.

“No responsible government should tolerate Iran.

While Iranian delegates sat below, the US president declared that one of the biggest security threats the world is facing is the `repressive regime in Iran`.

Previously, the White House boss accused Iran of being the number 1 sponsor of terrorism and inciting wars in Syria and Yemen.

“The (Iranian) regime is wasting money and the nation’s future on fanaticism over nuclear weapons.

President Trump’s remarks came after the US and its Western allies accused Iran of being behind a drone and missile attack on two Saudi Arabian oil facilities on September 14.

“In response to Iran’s recent attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, we have just deployed the world’s highest level of sanctions against Iran’s state bank and wealth fund,” he said.

Over the past week, President Trump tightened economic sanctions against Iran and directed more troops to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to support US allies in the region.

“It is time for Iran’s leaders to put the Iranian people first.

The White House boss affirmed, `America knows that, although anyone can cause war, only the bravest people will choose peace.`

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said yesterday that he is willing to discuss small changes, adjustments or additions to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 if the US lifts sanctions against Iran.

Call on North Korea to denuclearize

Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly session, President Trump said that North Korea first needs to denuclearize if it wants to fully exploit its huge potential.

“I told North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that I truly believe, like Iran, his country has enormous untapped potential.

Previously, President Trump said that his meeting with leader Kim Jong-un could take place `soon`.

In yesterday’s speech, President Trump once again affirmed his stance of considering national interests first.

“The future does not belong to the globalists.

President Trump proudly announced that America has now become `the most powerful country in the world` after spending more than $2,500 billion since the 2016 presidential election to `complete the process of rebuilding our forces.`

“We yearn for peace, cooperation and mutual benefit.


According to RT, Politico

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